Download Pure APK Install and open it on your computer. You can download XAPK file from APKPure and save them on your computer. Get XAPK (APK with OBB) file or APK ready. How to Install XAPK Files on Android Phone (Windows) You will need our APKPure App to help you install the right APKs to install in the App Bundle. The Android App Bundle is Android's new, App bundle to generate the various APKs that are served to users, such as the base APK, dynamic feature APKs, configuration APKs, and (for devices that do not support split APKs) multi-APKs Android/obb//.obb What is APK? How does it work?ĪPK is the acronym for "Android Package", which is a package file format most widely used by the Android operating system for distribution and installation of mobile apps and middleware. OBB file Storage location & File name format Each file can be up to 2GB and it can be any format you chooseĭevelopers can use XAPK file format to allow users download the APK file on Android without corruption. obb files to the APK, can be any format you choose (ZIP, PDF, MP4, etc.). Google Play requires that the compressed APK that users download be no more than 100MB, Each time you upload an APK using the Google Play Console, you have the option to add one or two expansion.

XAPK Installer is available for Android™ phone and tablet, you can download and install APK, XAPK( APK with OBB Cache Data) on both PC and Android Mobile. xapk files on can be installed with Pure APK InstallĢ.