When you get companions, make sure they have decent equipment too. Arena fights do not give skill levels by default. If you do particularly well, you can win tournaments or get a small amount of gold based on your performance in practice fights.
It gives you some real world experience at no real cost.
I'd also get some training in when you visit any arena. For example, Poros was the nearest settlement to the Training Field in my campaign. Note when you begin your campaign where the closest town is, so you can travel nearby at a later date.
Make sure you train in the Training Field sufficiently if you feel you're getting rusty. Make sure you have the correct ammunition equipped. Bows fire arrows and crossbows fire bolts. If you have the right weapons equipped, you won't be caught out and will have all of the abilities you're expecting to use. Some spears are one handed or two handed, and may have the ability to be couched. Some bows, including longbows, cannot be fired while you are mounted on top of a horse. Pay attention to what you have equipped. Blocking in Bannerlord is not automatic at the time of writing (though a patch is apparently coming soon to add automatic blocking in), so it's much easier to deflect blows while having a shield than just the regular weapon equipped. I would also recommend equipping a shield. You'll need to equip a horse and a separate harness. Check in the equipment screen to see which combat skill you'll be using with the weapon in question and make sure it is one you've been building up skill points for. Only equip a weapon that you have some skills in. Here are some tips for keeping your character equipped: Having the best gear may save you from getting skewered in seconds by enemy lances, or pummelled by a bandit warlord. If you have not been doing so well during fights, it might be because of your equipment. Mount And Blade 2 Bannerlord guide series. This Mount And Blade 2 Bannerlord combat guide will teach you how to manage your inventory effectively, how to feint, how to use a shield, where to fire arrows, and how to couch a lance. Mount And Blade 2 Bannerlord combat guide It's all well and good knowing how to rule a kingdom in Mount And Blade 2 Bannerlord, but are you any good wielding a sword and board? Perhaps firing arrows at your enemies is your preferred method of fighting, or maybe you like to charge foes with your lance? Whichever style of combat suits you, we have some tips on how best to use your weapons.